Tuition Fee

Students pay tuition fee according to the rules of that university where they start (home university) and during the whole time period they are registered as degree-seeking students at that university. Students have not to pay tuition fees at the host university during the second year. 

For students starting at UHOH:

At UHOH no study fees for students of EU member states and 1,500 € per semester for non-EU students. UHOH will check options for Erasmus or other mobility grants for students outgoing from UHOH to CZU. Tuition fees for non-EU-students underlie at UHOH the legislation of the State of Baden-Württemberg and might therefore require an adjustment in the future. Changes to the tuition fees will come into effect immediately after being adopted by the state of Baden-Württemberg.

For students starting at CZU:

Tuition fee for EU-students: 13,000 CZK (approx. 500 €) per academic year. Tuition fee for non-EU-students 60,000 CZK (approx. 2,300 €) per academic year.

Students can apply for various scholarships offered at CZU to cover travel costs to Germany.