The Double Degree between Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic) and University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany), allows students of the master’s degree in the area of tropical agriculture to live an experience abroad and to study in a cosmopolitan and multicultural environment, thus increasing the job opportunities in a growingly globalized context.
The double degree shall offer an additional benefit for the students by
a) an increased selection of modules offered on tropical agriculture,
b) the acquirement of soft skills in different teaching environments as well as cultural backgrounds,
c) performing scientific work under the supervision of two academics from two different universities.
Upon succesfull completion, the students will be awarded with two Diplomas by the home and by the host university, one issued by each university:
- CZU: Ing. in Tropical Farming Systems (equivalent to MSc.)
- UHOH: MSc. in Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics
- Language of instruction is English. To enhance cultural understanding and social integration, the host institution offers a language course in the local language to all students.
- Students starting at UHOH will benefit from the broad scope of elective modules at CZU in the second year, in particular in the areas (i) crop production with emphasis on the long-term sustainability of farming systems, (ii) sustainable production, management and protection of domestic animals, (iii) food security and (iv) sustainable management of natural resources in the tropics.
- Students starting at CZU will benefit from the elective modules at UHOH that are more focused on environment, resource efficiency, aspects of developing countries and interdisciplinary work.
- Supervisors of both universities will supervise the Master thesis jointly. This allows students to get experiences in two cultures of scientific working and benefit from the specific expertise from both universities.
- The specific content of the DD programme as well as learning outcomes are described in the study plan available on the web sites of the two partner universities (see CZU Tropical Farming Systems and UHOH Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics & Subtropics)